Character traits & breakdowns that resonate with who I am at my core

1. The Transcendental Lover
The one whose love transcends time, space & dimension. Facing obstacles and depths unimaginable, she fights for love. Be it for her child, lover, or Humanity itself, she would succumb to death, if the only way to protect you was from beyond this realm.
Emerald, Violet, TURQUOISE, Silver
Anthony Hopkins, Meet Joe Black
Leonardo Dicaprio, Inception
Abhishek Bharate, Lion
Viggo Mortenson, Captain Fantastic

2. The Survivor
Displaced by tragedy, she is the voiceless innocent who hides behind a mask, pretending to be someone or something else until it is safe (or she is forced) to divulge her truth. She is the one we all want to 'get out'.
Yellow, Indigo, SCARLET, Black
Natalie Portman, Closer
Matt Damon, Good Will Hunting
Eddie Marsan, Filth
Erin Richards, Gotham

3. The Timid Warrior
In times when the masses are deep in despair, the one who, in the face of her own fears charges on, heart first. Despite being alienated and made to feel worthless and wrong for attempting to live in the fullness of who she is, she fights the good fight. Imperfect but pure in heart, she risks, and often loses, everything to ensure that she follows her calling - where good and truth prevail.
Orange, Charcoal, WHITE, Azure
Ben McKenzie, Gotham
Amy Adams, Arrival
Claire Danes, Homeland
Zach Galifianakis, Baskets
Cate Blanchett, Carol

4. The Heroine with the Forgotten Song
Often underestimated - even by herself, she is on a quest to find her soul's lost song. She has forgotten that her song comes from the knowing that she is enough. Once she can attain self forgiveness, she can move blissfully into her light, leaving the world to contend with her power.
Lilac, HOT PINK, Raven
Angela Lewis, Snowfall
Emily Blunt, Girl on the Train
Ana Ularu, Emerald City
James McAvoy, Filth